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Jakość „Goog enough” nie tylko w tłumaczeniu maszynowym, ale także w SEO

AI Overview-quality
AI Overview
Niedawno pilotowany przez Google przegląd sztucznej inteligencji miał po wielu latach zrewolucjonizować wyszukiwanie w Internecie. Jak dotąd jednak wydaje się, że wywołało to jedynie lawinę żartów w sieciach społecznościowych dzięki niedokładnym, wprowadzającym w błąd, a nawet niebezpiecznym odpowiedziom.

Google’s recently piloted AI Overview was supposed to revolutionize internet search after many years. So far, however, it seems to have only caused a flurry of jokes on social networks thanks to inaccurate, misleading and even dangerous answers. Even the new term „Goog enough” has been coined as a paraphrase of the English expression for „good enough”, i.e. „good enough”. This term is also very well-known from localization. It is supposed to refer to the translation output quality in so-called „light postediting”, which was also discussed in SlatorPod by Jakub Absolon. We seem to have another super-fast „Goog enough” service on the Internet, but we cannot rely on it, as is the case with machine translation. The good old saying „good servant, bad master” also seems to be true for the new Google AI Overview service.

In our country (Slovakia), it is not yet possible to try the Google AI Overview service, so let’s like some funny answers from Google AI Overview from foreign sources:

  • Google described the health benefits of running with scissors.
  • Google described the health benefits of taking a bath with a toaster.
  • In response to search by New York Times reporter Aric Toler asking if a dog has played in the NHL, the AI Overview answer was yes, pointing to Martin Pospisil, a center for the Calgary Flames. (source: https://www.dailydot.com)
  • Google suggested using non-toxic glue to give pizza sauce more tackiness.
  • Google said USA had one Muslim president – Barack Obama (who is not a Muslim).

Source: https://searchengineland.com/google-ai-overview-fails-442575

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