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Die Bedeutung der Zusammenarbeit mit Studenten in der Übersetzungs- und Lokalisierungsbranche

translation and localization

💬 MT- Haftungsausschluss

When you think about it, the transition from being a student to becoming a professional can be challenging and difficult. At ASAP-translation.com, we believe it is important to create opportunities that will make this transition as easy as possible.

translation and localization

In fact, students should be able to experience the dynamics and standards of the translation and localization industry. It helps them put their theoretical knowledge into practice and learn the know-how of working for a translation company.

How to make sure that students get proper training and support? The best way is to organize lectures or workshops by senior members of the team, either online or on-site. Students will have the opportunity to get to know them better and to gain experience first-hand.

Another way is to provide students with feedback on their translations and give them tips on how to improve them. Also, it can be useful to show them how project management works inside the translation industry and how to cooperate with others during the process of translation.

By showing how things work in a translation company, students get a valuable opportunity to explore possible career paths and decide whether they would like to work as an in-house translator, freelance translator, project manager, or other. On the other hand, the translation company can get talented students to work for them. It’s a win-win situation!

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Haftungsausschluss für maschinelle Übersetzung

Diese Übersetzung wird von einem vollautomatischen maschinellen Übersetzungstool erstellt, um Ihnen eine grundlegende Vorstellung vom Inhalt in einer Sprache zu vermitteln, die Sie verstehen. Es wurde kein menschliches Eingreifen vorgenommen und der Dienstleister übernimmt keinerlei Garantie für die Richtigkeit der Übersetzung und haftet nicht für etwaige Fehler. Siehe auch die Rechtsmitteilung.

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