On September 14, our company ASAP-translation.com, s.r.o. provided training in the use of SDL Trados Studio software for teachers and researchers of the Department of English and American Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava. The software will be used by employees in teaching students in the field of English in professional communication, which also includes familiarization with work processes in translation. However, the main goal will be the elaboration of terminology within a research project, the task of which will be to elaborate the terminology of several scientific disciplines and use the resulting terminological databases for the preparation of teaching materials for teaching the basics of terminology in secondary schools. The training took place in the university’s computer laboratory and the trainer was Jakub Absolon from ASAP-translation.com, s.r.o., a long-term trainer in the field of computer-assisted translation. On the organizational side, the training was provided by the head of the department, PaedDr. Zora Široká together with Mrs. PhDr. Ingrid Cíbiková, PhD., Who is responsible for the mentioned research project. The introductory training will be followed by specialized trainings, which, however, will take place online for health safety reasons.
SDL Trados Studio software training at UCM in Trnava
September 28, 2021
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