On 18.05.2021 took place computer-aided training SDL Trados Studio 2021 . The training took place online, but we have become accustomed to this during the corona pandemic. It was attended by two in-house translators of ŽOS Trnava, who are in charge of company translations of technical documentation in German, English, French and Czech in combination with the Slovak language. In addition to successfully mastering the CAT software SDL Trados Studio 2021 , we have set up translation memory sharing and terminology dictionary. In particular, the introduction of uniform corporate terminology is a prerequisite for quality and consistent translations, and therefore corporate communication. The translator, who has previously completed training with us SDL Trados Studio 2021 , confirmed that after A few months of using computer-assisted translation software (SDL Trados Studio 2021 software in this case) is to recognize improved translation quality as well as increased translation capacity, and therefore savings for society.

SDL Trados Studio training for in-house translators