The year 2021 has brought us a lot in the field of translations at ASAP– Thanks to our skilled translators, we have successfully translated the translations into 24 areas, where we have translated up to 18,636 files in more than 100 language combinations. We have made a summary of successful projects and translation statistics for the year 2021.

Translation summary
We were not surprised that, as every year, this translation from English to Slovak dominated the most. The translation from English into Slovak accounted for almost half (49.71%) of all translations. This language combination is popular with our customers due to its wide use and especially the versatility of the English language. Furthermore, thanks to translations from English, people from different fields without knowledge of the language have the opportunity to understand the text. In total, our translators have translated 9265 texts, which makes a total of an incredible 13,433,163 words.
The second most requested translation in 2021 was the translation from German into Slovak. In total, our translators have done 4109 translations in this language combination, which is about half as much as the English-Slovak translation. However, German is still a sought-after language and therefore accounts for about 22% of the total number of translations. which consisted of 4,664,791 words translated.
As we focus on both the Slovak and Czech translation markets, we were not surprised that the demand for translation from English into Czech is still very popular. Our translators have completed a total of almost 2,000 projects, which accounted for about 10% of all translations.
In addition to the above-mentioned translations, we also performed translations from German into Czech (5%), Slovak into English (2.8%), French to Slovak (1.9%) and ASAP – translation, and as every year among the translations, they also found translations from Czech into Slovak (1.2%). 1%, more precisely 186 translations, were also translations from Slovak into Hungarian. Less than 1%, but still a large number of translations were recorded in variations in translations from Slovak to German, from German to Hungarian, from English to Slovenian, from Czech to English, from English to Polish, from French to Czech, from English to Hungarian and Dutch to Slovak. The translation from Dutch into Slovak also forms the smallest group of all translated texts. In total, we performed 102 translations in this language combination, which was only 0.5% of the total number of projects.
Fields of translations
We most often provided translations in healthcare, which is also the most numerous of the areas to which we have provided our services. This is mainly due to the growing number of studies and evidence that help health professionals and professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021, we generated 23% of orders from this sector.
The second most frequent client of our services is the marketing segment, accounting for up to 21.4% of the implemented projects in 2021. Thanks to the ever-growing market in this area, we assume that marketing will be the area with the most significant number of completed orders in the field of translation in the coming years. We carried out approximately the same number of orders in the field of technology, which in 2021 accounted for almost 21% of all contract orders.
The third most numerous sector, for which we performed nearly 9% of contracts, was the area of information and communication technologies, where we include mainly mobile operators or companies engaged in the sale and distribution of electronic communication equipment. In addition to the above-mentioned clients, we also translated in the areas of the gaming or automotive industry, legislation, economics, logistics, education, biochemistry, agriculture, food, biology. However, we also translated for companies that focused on tourism, psychology, geography, etc. .
The year 2021 was successful for us, as evidenced by the number of successful orders for translation and interpretation. We believe that 2022 will bring us equally good results and especially successful projects for important clients from various areas of human activity.
Machine Translation Disclaimer
This translation is generated by a fully automated machine translation tool to give you a basic idea of the content in a language you understand. There was no human intervention, and the provider neither guarantees the accuracy nor accepts liability for possible errors.
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If you have any questions about the accuracy of the information presented in the translated version of the website, please refer to the official version (Slovak) of the text or use professional translation services.